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Grand Blanc Pre-AP: July 20-24, 2020
Grand Blanc West Middle School 

Pre-AP Algebra 1

$495.00 **

Pre-AP Biology

$495.00 **

Pre-AP Chemistry

$495.00 **

Pre-AP English 1

$495.00 **

Pre-AP English 2

$495.00 **

Pre-AP Geometry/Statistics

$495.00 **

Pre-AP Leadership

$495.00 **

Pre-AP Visual/Performing Arts

$495.00 **

Pre-AP World/History/Geography

$495.00 **

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Courses Offered

Registration Fees

$495 per person **


CEUs Graduate Credits Available.  
SCECHs pending approval.


Endorsed by the
College Board* in association with
Central Michigan University, this intensive four-day conference offers excellent training for AP* teachers.
All courses are designed
for a combined audience
of new and experienced teachers.


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Sessions Offered



Contact Robin Check

800.204.1296 OR email

2020 Summer Courses @ Grand Blanc High School
Grand Blanc High School.  Location of 2016 AP Summer Institutes endorsed by College Board
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July 20-24, 2020

Grand Blanc Middle School

West Campus
1515 Reid Rd
Grand Blanc, MI 48439

About Pre-AP Sessions
About Pre-AP Summer Institute

The Pre-AP Summer Institute (Pre-APSI) is a five-day collaborative experience that empowers participants to begin to prepare and plan for their Pre-AP course. Teachers explore course materials and experience model lessons from both the student and teacher perspective. They also work with peers to begin to plan and build their own course, so they are ready on day one of instruction.


** Registrations for the 5-day Pre-AP Summer Institute is $495 per seat. Your school may be entitled to free seats for newly ordered Pre-AP courses. All free seats must be used at a Pre-AP Summer Institute during 2020, and may not be applied to future workshops.

For more information, please reach out to your school's designated Pre-AP Coordinator.

Pre-AP Course Teachers

Who should attend:

Week at a Glance
  • Pre-AP teachers of record can fulfill the professional learning requirement by attending a Pre-APSI.  Additional seats for co-teachers or other instructional roles are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis.    

  •  In order to fulfill the Pre-AP professional learning requirement, teachers must attend all five days of the Institute, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm*

  • Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are awarded for completion of this professional learning event. 

  • The Pre-AP Summer Institutes are only available for educators teaching an official College Board Pre-AP Course.

  • In order to finalize your registration, you must have a valid Registration Voucher Code.  Please contact your school’s designated Pre-AP Coordinator for more information.

What to Expect:

  • The Pre-AP Summer Institute will run five days, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM.  

  • In order to fulfill the Pre-AP professional learning requirement, and receive Continuing Education Units, educators must attend all four days of the Institute.  

  • Lunch and snacks will be provided daily

Pre-AP Leadership Workshop

Who should attend:

  • A one-day Pre-AP Leadership Workshop will be held on Day 4 of the Institute from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.*  

  • The Leadership Workshop is designed for school or district level administrators and Pre-AP Coordinators. The designated Pre-AP Coordinator is required to complete the Pre-AP Leadership Workshop, either online or in-person on Day 4 of the Institute.

  • Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are awarded for completion of this professional learning event.

  • In order to finalize your registration, you must have a valid Registration Voucher Code.  Please contact your school’s designated Pre-AP Coordinator for more information.

What to Expect:

  • The Leadership Workshop will run on Day 4 of the Institute, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

  • Lunch and snacks will be provided

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